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Publication date: 5th June, 2012

Body Back. The mother's handbook to medical, physical and emotional well-being. By Heather Porter

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About Heather

Mother of four, Heather Porter shares her hands-on experience of getting your old self back. With her team of experts, she provides an understanding approach and addresses all the issues you wanted to know about but were too afraid to ask.


Introduction to Body Back

Body Back is about making you feel like a woman again. You look after everyone - children, husband, partner, parents, in-laws (even pets)…. everyone, that is, except yourself. Where could you possibly find the time and energy to do that? This book is about carving your position in the family as YOU, no one else. It is time to find your balance again, resurrect your femininity and get the right Body Back.  It is about understanding the changes that have taken place in your body and your mind.

I know from experience that it is not easy. Far too often we set impossible goals for ourselves and then feel low when we fail. My aim is to guide you back into the body, mind and soul you loved before you had children, in a way that makes sense and is manageable. Start small to change the bigger picture and, as you do so, you will feel happier, healthier and more beautiful.

This book is filled with tips, advice and my own personal experiences. I hope it will be the magic ingredient to help you reach your pre-children weight or target weight in a matter of months. I hope it will also give you a better understanding of your body and how to achieve optimum emotional health and physical well-being. I encourage you to take the journey. I invite you to participate, make notes in the margins, use the ribbon as a bookmark and underline points you like, share your thoughts and experiences.

All the best, 


'It is time to find your balance again, resurrect your femininity and get the right Body Back.'
Heather Porter

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