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Publication date: 5th June, 2012

Body Back. The mother's handbook to medical, physical and emotional well-being. By Heather Porter

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About Heather

Mother of four, Heather Porter shares her hands-on experience of getting your old self back. With her team of experts, she provides an understanding approach and addresses all the issues you wanted to know about but were too afraid to ask.


Night Health bedtime spray, Dr Andrew Weil for Origins (2/5)

I never find the bed time sprays that effective. This one is in the medium price range and a reputable brand. The ingredients  are a mixture of oils including lavender, mandarin orange and chamomile. Chamomile and lavender are the classic ingredients in a spritz for this purpose, they relax, soothe and calm you.The advice for restful sleep is to mist your upper body, arms and legs with deep breathes to inhale the spray.

The spray is refreshing simply due to the nature of it being a spray and I think that stimulates the skin rather than relaxes it, but once absorbed it was a nice way of dusting moisture over the body. However it didn't help me get to sleep.


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