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Publication date: 5th June, 2012

Body Back. The mother's handbook to medical, physical and emotional well-being. By Heather Porter

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About Heather

Mother of four, Heather Porter shares her hands-on experience of getting your old self back. With her team of experts, she provides an understanding approach and addresses all the issues you wanted to know about but were too afraid to ask.


Celeste, Leg Shimmer Dry Oil by Reverence de Bastien (4/5)

For summer legs or in the evening when no tights are needed, this dry oil doesn't soaks in to the skin leaving a nice glow on the legs. No dry skin left to see.  There is a delicateshimmer from finely ground mother of pearl in the oil as an extra treat. It is the least oily out of these type of products I have tried, which is good because it doesn't mark clothes or furniture and you are not feeling sticky.


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