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Publication date: 5th June, 2012

Body Back. The mother's handbook to medical, physical and emotional well-being. By Heather Porter

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About Heather

Mother of four, Heather Porter shares her hands-on experience of getting your old self back. With her team of experts, she provides an understanding approach and addresses all the issues you wanted to know about but were too afraid to ask.


'Signs You're Getting Too Comfortable'

Being entirely comfortable around your spouse is one of the great perks of married life. However, there's a big difference between feeling content and relaxed in your relationship, and just being plain old lazy. We asked Heather Porter, author of the upcoming book Body Back, a comprehensive how-to guide for women adjusting to motherhood-and happily married mother of four-for her perspective on 10 signs that your relationship is too comfortable, and to share her tested tips for breaking out of these ruts.

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